Notable Scumbags of the Civil War


that gal
Mar 18, 2020
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Ah, yes! Now that I can taste again... How about John B Floyd for a scumbag nomination? This guy went after the Mormons for being in insurrection against the US, stole half a million bucks from the Indian trusts, sent all manner of 'excess' military supplies and guns to the South, then topped it all off by fleeing Ft Donelson with 1500 of his men on suspiciously available transports! Can't find much to say in his defense, that's for sure.


trekkie in residence
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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Ah, yes! Now that I can taste again... How about John B Floyd for a scumbag nomination? This guy went after the Mormons for being in insurrection against the US, stole half a million bucks from the Indian trusts, sent all manner of 'excess' military supplies and guns to the South, then topped it all off by fleeing Ft Donelson with 1500 of his men on suspiciously available transports! Can't find much to say in his defense, that's for sure.
my dear lady, he's been covered

Jim Klag

Ike the moderator
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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I was wondering if Simon Cameron was on the list. It was purported that he woud steal anything but a red hot stove.

O' Be Joyful

ohio hillbilly
May 12, 2019
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I was wondering if Simon Cameron was on the list. It was purported that he woud steal anything but a red hot stove.

Shortly after winning the 1860 presidential election, Lincoln was bombarded by applications from office seekers. One of them was Pennsylvania Senator Simon Cameron. Cameron had a reputation for dishonesty, and when fellow-Pennsylvanian, Congressman Thaddeus Stevens learned that Lincoln was considering Cameron for a cabinet position, he expressed his disapproval.

“You don’t mean to say you think Cameron would steal?” asked Lincoln, when told of Stevens’ reservations.

“No,” replied Stevens. “I don’t think he would steal a red-hot stove.”

Lincoln found this response hilarious and repeated Stevens’ comment to several people. One of those to whom he told the story was Simon Cameron. Cameron did not find the story nearly as amusing as Lincoln thought he should. He was outraged and immediately went to Stevens and demanded he retract the defamatory remark.

Stevens immediately went to Lincoln, exasperated. “Mr. Lincoln, why did you tell Cameron what I said to you?”

Lincoln replied that he thought it was funny and didn’t think Cameron would take it seriously.

“Well, he is very mad, and he made me promise to retract,” replied Stevens. “I will do so now. I believe I told you he would not steal a red-hot stove. I now take that back.” :D



that gal
Mar 18, 2020
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That was his worst fear - he was scared the US government would hang him high for being a traitor!


trekkie in residence
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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Shit...why do you always have to blow up my chances for another trophy, herr dick-meister?
you linked to them - there's no blowing up involved

... and btw, who do you think would award those trophies anyway?

O' Be Joyful

ohio hillbilly
May 12, 2019
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“I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition.” – Gen. William T. Sherman

"When a master gemcutter is given a raw diamond, before he even applies his chisel, he gives the stone’s many facets long and careful study to determine the best angle of attack. When confronted by a many faceted swine of the ginormous dimensions of Kill-Cavalry Kilpatrick, the mind boggles at how to approach the various aspects of his awfulness. How were you a scumbag, Kilpatrick, O, let me count the ways: war profiteer; pathological liar and shameless self-promoter; miserable martinet and rotten tactician who squandered Providence alone knows how many good, brave soldiers in pointless, head on attacks; one of the worst looters and burners of the March To The Sea; and an unconscionable, shameless slut so low as to even outdo old Earl Van Dorn, caught by the enemy not once, but TWICE with his pants down, as will be related in more sordid detail subsequently. Although it’s still early in the series, Judson Kilpatrick rates so high on the scale of miserable, self-centered, horribly flawed pieces of trash, I doubt anyone else will ever exceed him."

O' Be Joyful

ohio hillbilly
May 12, 2019
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i like the first in the series - earl van dorn

o/c you would:

Notable Scumbags Of The Civil War – The First In The Series
General Earl Van Dorn, CSA, 1820-1863

World English Dictionary scumbag (ˈskʌmˌbæɡ) — n slang an offensive or despicable person
[C20: perhaps from earlier US sense: condom, from US slang scum semen + bag]

"I originally planned to call this “Notable Poltroons,” but poltroon actually means a despicable coward, not just a contemptible person in general. Hence the current, admittedly vulgar, but more accurate title. Much has been written about Civil War heroes, including excessive hagiography about the likes of Lee and Jackson, but little attention has been paid to the conflict’s worthless figures, those far more notable (or notorious) for glaring flaws than noble traits in their characters. Who better to start with than Earl Van Dorn (or “Damn Born” as he was known to his West Point alumni)."



that gal
Mar 18, 2020
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Can't argue with you on Kills-Cavalry, Obi! No sense of self-preservation, either. While Sherman and Johnston were smoking the peace pipe at Bentonville, he sat outside trash talking Wade Hampton to his face. Hampton was quite possibly the second most deadly man on either side and was about to make a thin grease spot of Kilpatrick when the two pow-wowing generals emerged. Didn't learn anything - he spent quite some time after the war hectoring the first most deadly man - Forrest. Forrest finally challenged him but the pipsqueak didn't have the guts for it. Sherman was right - a damned fool. There was a long line behind Hampton and Forrest wanting them to leave something for the rest to have a crack at! The guy was a babe magnet, though. Like Hugh Hefner! An unattractive, irritating, undesirable, scrawny little jerk with five lovely women on either arm...