Notable Scumbags of the Civil War

O' Be Joyful

ohio hillbilly
May 12, 2019
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#1 on my list. (snip)

Notable Scumbags Of The Civil War – The Fifth In A Series
Sen. Louis T. Wigfall 1816-1874

Fire Eater: A belligerent person, more specifically, in mid 19th-Century America, an extreme, pro-slavery, Southern agitator for secession.

For this, the fifth entry in my series about perfectly disgusting Civil War characters, my Confederate subject will be the King of the Fire Eaters himself. Yes, none other than Battling Louis Trevezant Wigfall, the biggest blowhard that ever bellowed about Southern liberty on behalf of destroying our country to keep human beings as chattel slaves. Wigfall was an even more flatulent windbag dedicated to disunion than other hotheads such as William Lowndes Yancey and Barnwell Rhett. Intemperate, violent, and alcoholic, this bull of a man operated with virtually no governor whatsoever on his surging, destructive emotions. From early manhood, he was an obdurate, radical advocate of secession. His eloquence and passion helped propel the South into secession and led directly to the disaster that was the Civil War, a cataclysm he welcomed.


O' Be Joyful

ohio hillbilly
May 12, 2019
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Notable Scumbags Of The Civil War – The Second In A Series
General Benjamin “Beast” Butler, USA 1818-1893

To provide the appearance of balance in this series, I’ll alternate with Blue following Gray. Our first example of a Yankee scumbag is a doozy, Benjamin Butler. Cunning lawyer; political general; military incompetent; iron fisted tyrant; arrogant, puffed up popinjay; and in all likelihood a corrupt profiteer, Butler was also one of the homeliest, butt ugly men to walk the face of the United States in the mid-19th century, an age of general homespun crudity. On the plus side, he was a competent civil administrator, an early civil rights advocate, and a staunch supporter of the Union and emancipation.

Add your own biased selection..


Staff member
May 12, 2019
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Notable Scumbags Of The Civil War – The Second In A Series
General Benjamin “Beast” Butler, USA 1818-1893

To provide the appearance of balance in this series, I’ll alternate with Blue following Gray. Our first example of a Yankee scumbag is a doozy, Benjamin Butler. Cunning lawyer; political general; military incompetent; iron fisted tyrant; arrogant, puffed up popinjay; and in all likelihood a corrupt profiteer, Butler was also one of the homeliest, butt ugly men to walk the face of the United States in the mid-19th century, an age of general homespun crudity. On the plus side, he was a competent civil administrator, an early civil rights advocate, and a staunch supporter of the Union and emancipation.

Add your own biased selection..
Spoons Butler, my hero.