The Black Church

Matt McKeon

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2019
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Henry Louis Gates is doing a series on the African American church. The Black Church. Part one was pretty awesome. I recommend it highly.


Feb 2, 2021
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No, there's a 2 hour special... Just do african church henry louis gates jr. on google. As if we have to be happy for people? I've never enjoyed a Church service. Now tell me what is it,, the thing no one's happy for anybody else? I've never benefitted from a Church... African Church because it never shows or thinks of anybody else? 'islam survived in ways to creolize black christianity' , 'black christianity has roots in west africa'. I don't intend to celebrate his 4 wives , 4 concubines, 3 2-year gestation contracts, 2 warbrides, as the African will already tend to admit... 99 bottles of girlfriends on the wall.

The Body of Christ totally rejected by a Church, scientology, mormon, African Church... Someone ask why the Federal Government has made this? Is it impossible for a traditional Trinitarian Christian of any shade? There's a million in a Colored Presbyterian Church and however "Pleasing" we call federal interference in the 50's and 80's, however pleasing, now there is NONE. The appearance of 0 Catholic, 0 Orthodox, 0 Presbyterian, 0 Lutheran, 0 Anglican. Get Together in a Christianity without an authority of the Body of Christ creates What for Federal Government?


charon's apprentice
May 12, 2019
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No, there's a 2 hour special... Just do african church henry louis gates jr. on google. As if we have to be happy for people? I've never enjoyed a Church service. Now tell me what is it,, the thing no one's happy for anybody else? I've never benefitted from a Church... African Church because it never shows or thinks of anybody else? 'islam survived in ways to creolize black christianity' , 'black christianity has roots in west africa'. I don't intend to celebrate his 4 wives , 4 concubines, 3 2-year gestation contracts, 2 warbrides, as the African will already tend to admit... 99 bottles of girlfriends on the wall.

The Body of Christ totally rejected by a Church, scientology, mormon, African Church... Someone ask why the Federal Government has made this? Is it impossible for a traditional Trinitarian Christian of any shade? There's a million in a Colored Presbyterian Church and however "Pleasing" we call federal interference in the 50's and 80's, however pleasing, now there is NONE. The appearance of 0 Catholic, 0 Orthodox, 0 Presbyterian, 0 Lutheran, 0 Anglican. Get Together in a Christianity without an authority of the Body of Christ creates What for Federal Government?
Wrong ...part two is on of these days you might get something right.