Martin, James Green


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Jul 28, 2019
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This guy James Green Martin, Confederate officer and lawyer, was born at Elizabeth City, comes from my moms area of North Carolina so he needs his do... a good solid civil war career... The guy is missing an arm...

Martin's war record had been brilliant and untarnished. He had won the respect and admiration of his men and superiors alike—among them General Robert E. Lee, who said: "General Martin is one to whom North Carolina owes a debt she can never repay." After the war, dispossessed of much of his former holdings, Martin took up the study of law and practiced successfully in Asheville from 1866 until his death twelve years later. He also devoted some of his time to the Episcopal church as a layman and a delegate to the diocesan and general conventions. He was buried in Asheville.

Martin command the artillery and Stonewall was his second... here the story how Jackson became got command...

During the three days' assault on Monterey, Mexico, September 21-23, 1846, Martin was a second lieutenant and commanded his battery with Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson as his second in command. At Cherubusco, August 20, 1847, his right arm was shot off and he relinquished his command to Jackson (Martin, taking his sleeve in his teeth, vacated the field). He was brevetted major for "gallant and meritorious conduct" at the battles of Contreras and Cherubusco and presented with a sword of honor by the citizens of Pasquotank County, on which were engraved the battles in which he had participated. He was transferred to the staff and appointed assistant quartermaster and stationed at Fortress Monroe, Philadelphia, and also Governor's Island for several years. He transferred via orders to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, where Mrs. Martin died.