Germany's Transatlantic Slave Trade...


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Jul 28, 2019
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Its your fellow Prussians... You Germans like the Swedish have to many Charles, you all have to many Fredericks... The Great Elector founded the company

The Brandenburger Gold Coast, later Prussian Gold Coast, was a part of the Gold Coast. The Brandenburg colony existed from 1682 to 1720, when king Frederick William I of Prussia sold it for 7200 ducats to the Dutch Republic.


In May 1682 the newly founded Brandenburg African Company (German: Brandenburgisch-Afrikanische Compagnie (de), which had been granted a charter by Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg (core of the later Prussian kingdom), established a small West African colony consisting of two Gold Coast settlements on the Gulf of Guinea, around Cape Three Points in present Ghana:

  • Groß Friedrichsburg, also called Hollandia,[1] now Pokesu: (1682–1717), which became the capital
  • Fort Dorothea, also called Accada,[1] now Akwida: (April 1684–1687, 1698–1711, April 1712–1717), which in 1687–1698 the Dutch occupied[2]
German governors during the Brandenburger era[edit]
  • May 1682–1683 – Philip Peterson Blonck
  • 1683–1684 – Nathaniel Dillinger
  • 1684–1686 – Karl Konstantin von Schnitter
  • 1686–1691 – Johann Niemann

On 15 January 1701, the small colony was renamed Prussian Gold Coast Settlements, in connection with the founding of the Prussian kingdom, which formally took place three days later, when Frederick III, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, crowned himself King in Prussia (after which he became known as Frederick I of Prussia).

From 1711 to April 1712 the Dutch occupied Fort Dorothea again. In 1717 the colony was physically abandoned by Prussia, so that from 1717 to 1724 John Konny (or, in Dutch: Jan Conny) was able to occupy Groß Friedrichsburg, from 1721 in opposition to Dutch rule.

In 1721 the rights to the colony were sold to the Dutch, who renamed it Hollandia, as part of their larger Dutch Gold Coast colony.

Governors during the Prussian era[edit]

  • 1701–1704 – Adriaan Grobbe
  • 1704–1706 – Johann Münz
  • 1706–1709 – Heinrich Lamy
  • 1709–1710 – Frans de Lange
  • 1710–1716 – Nicholas Dubois
  • 1716–1717 – Anton Günther van der Menden


trekkie in residence
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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Here is and article about the Great Elector(what is a elector)... He was a entrepreneur and here is a article about him and the slave, sugar, and trade... the article will not let me snip anything... @rittmeister
a kurfürst (english elector) is one of seven guys to elect (küren literally means more then to elect it also means to inaugurate but they did it all at once) the emperor


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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The Great Elector wanted a deep water navy...

This foundation was begun to be laid with the establishment of the Brandenburg-African Compagnie (BAC) 1680 and the Kurbrandenburg Navy from 1676 onwards. Even before, but especially during the Swedish-Brandenburg War (1674-1679), did the Great Elector Friedrich Wilhelm see the necessity of establishing a deep sea war fleet. He entrusted the Dutch entrepreneur Benjamin Raule (1634-1707) with the task. Until 1680, Raule managed to accumulate 28 war ships for the Brandenburg Navy, which engaged the Spanish fleet in a few battles and sometimes successfully captured their ships. Benjamin Raule, who later fell out of favour, is insofar still present in Berlin’s contemporary landscape as he was responsible for builing Friedrichsfelde Castle, which still stands on the grounds of today’s Tierpark (Zoo Friedrichsfelde).


The BAC is, interestingly, considered to be Germany’s first joint-stock company. The fleet sailed in 1682 under the command of Otto Friedrich von der Groeben, whose name was still present in the Berlin cityscape until 2009, because the „Gröbenufer“ in Berlin-Kreuzberg bore his name (and now carries that of the Black German activist and writer May Ayim), and established Groß-Friedrichsburg on January 1st, 1683 by raising the Brandenburg flag.


Raule financed a first expedition to Africa in 1680 and convinced the Great Elector to send commercial vessels to the coast and establish forts and colonies there. The frigate „Morian“ reached the Guinea coast in January 1681 and a treaty was signed between the mariners from Brandenburg and three local Ahanta. The contract established that the Brandenburgers were allowed to build a commercial post and a fort on the land of the Ahanta, on the coast of today’s Ghana. Trading at the coast did mostly involve gold, pepper, ivory and people – at this point then, and with renting the Carribean island of St. Thomas from the Danish who had taken possession of the Antilles, did the Brandenburgers enter the Transatlantic Slave Trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas.



trekkie in residence
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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Is Frederick the first still consider a great leader in Prussian and Germany history...?
frederick the great is the second not the first - he also is a king not a kurfürst

the great elector (the guy you are talking about) is friedrich-wilhelm not friedrich (it get's a bit mixed up with friedrichs and friedrich-wilhelms in prussian history for a guy from florida) and he doesn't have a number (there are a few kings called friedrich-wilhelm, though and there are wilhelms with no friedrich dashed to them)