Confederate General Robert E. Lee accepted the consequences of his actions.


that gal
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score
You can say Stuart was unlucky because his foe was Sheridan, who had something to prove and make good on a bet.

It a good story about Meade and Sheridan fight leads to Stuart's death ...

Sheridan really didn't accomplish much except to deprive Grant of cavalry while stepping on top of Meade's head! Those two did not like one another. However, the big accomplishment was taking out Stuart, who was vital to Lee and totally irreplaceable. Another sad thing about Stuart's death was his wife Flora wasn't with him when he died. The railroad delay was not long, but she had been informed by Stuart's aide - the guy he called Honey Bun - that the wound was not serious. He didn't want to alarm her. So, she took a little time to gather a few things before she left. If Hullihen had told her the truth, she probably would have made it in time.


that gal
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score
I do not consider Van Dorn a cavalry guy plus he was kill early in the by a husband of one of his lady friends.

These three guys were not cavalry officers but irregular soldiers or bushwhacker or just murders and died the criminals deaths. If they had survived the war they would have been outlaws like Jesse James...
Van Dorn did well on the Holly Springs raid that caused Grant to withdraw from Vicksburg. It was his end of a three-pronged operation that included Morgan going into Kentucky and Ohio, and Forrest going through west Tennessee. Forrest's West Tennessee Raid was spectacular and earned him a promotion to major general.

Can't say Anderson or Ferguson were any kind of soldiers! They did indeed get what they deserved. They were nuts. Ferguson would kill you if he thought you were thinking bad thoughts about him. Quantrill is another question - he was not an outlaw but something went wrong in his head. He was definitely not the same guy during the war he was before it.