United States a Civil Oligarchy...


trekkie in residence
Staff member
May 12, 2019
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your country always was an oligarchy


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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your country always was an oligarchy
Yes a civil one are we moving to another from of oligarchy...

Civil oligarchies differ from the other forms examined in this study in four fundamental ways. In a civil oligarchy, all oligarchs are fully disarmed, the coercion that defends oligarchic fortunes is provided exclusively by an armed state, a civil oligarchy is the only type in which no oligarchs rule (if they hold office, it is never as or for oligarchs), and the coercive state defending property for oligarchs is governed impersonally through bureaucratic institutions. This combination of factors has several important implications. One is that in civil oligarchies, strong and impersonal systems of law dominate oligarchs rather than oligarchs dominating (or being) the law. This, in turn, changes the character of property ownership from being claims enforced by oligarchs to being rights enforced by the state.

These two shifts – oligarchs submitting to laws in exchange for states guaranteeing property rights – occurred in tandem over centuries and, together, constitute the single most important transformation in the history of oligarchy. Finally, although oligarchs are relieved of the violence and political burdens of defending property themselves, the emergence of a state apparatus that takes on these roles raises novel threats to oligarchs in the form of taxation and possibly redistribution focused on incomes. In civil oligarchies where existing property and fortunes are secure – no matter the scale of wealth or the degree of stratification within a given society – oligarchs for the first time devote virtually all of their material power resources to the political challenges of income defense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Here moving to this ..

The differences among the four types of oligarchy described in this study reflect the changing nature of the threats oligarchs face to their property and wealth, and how they act to solve these wealth defense challenges. It matters enormously whether the primary threats are from the have-nots “below,” laterally from other oligarchs, from a sultanistic ruler or state from “above,” or from some combination of these. The nature of the responses is as important as the sources of the threats. Oligarchs can defend their property and wealth either separately or collectively. As they do so, they can be fully armed, hire coercive capacities and partially disarm, or exchange full disarmament for reliable guarantees of wealth and property provided by a higher authority. Chapter 2 examined these factors and variables in the context of warring oligarchies.

The focus in this chapter is on ruling oligarchies. The key difference between a warring oligarchy and a ruling oligarchy is the higher degree of cooperation among oligarchs in the latter. When successful, such cooperation is closely related to modifications in the role oligarchs play in the provision of coercion for wealth defense, which reduce one of the greatest dangers oligarchs have faced since the emergence of the earliest stratified societies – lateral attacks from each other, whether by individual predatory oligarchs locally or collectivities of oligarchs attacking from abroad.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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@Tom ... This is what Trump what's...

In a warring oligarchy, wealth defense is accomplished directly by armed oligarchs who separately rule their own domains. In a ruling oligarchy, the arrangement is collective and requires at least partial disarmament for the system to be stable. A sultanistic oligarchy is a third mode of wealth and property defense. Oligarchs are either fully disarmed or coercively overwhelmed, tend not to rule directly, and yet enjoy protection from a single powerful oligarch against potentially devastating lateral and vertical threats. The primary locus of coercion to defend wealth rests “above” all oligarchs, but not in the law-bound institutions of an impersonal bureaucratic state. The defense role remains in oligarchic hands – but those of one oligarch whose overarching rule is direct and personalistic. As in the other oligarchies already considered, there are no absolute property rights under a sultanistic oligarch. There are only property claims, which sultanistic regimes enforce systemically but also with the vicissitudes that accompany personalistic rule. The stability of a sultanistic oligarchy depends vitally on how well the lead oligarch manages wealth defense for oligarchs in general, although, ironically, this usually involves sultanistic predations on individual oligarchs to be effective.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Here is a take on the topic ...



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Totally wrong. Your country was an oligarchy from the get-go
But Reagan began the move away from civil oligarchy where rules were followed... To what we have degenerated into today... They talked about a new world order in 199Os. We have a new world order today...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2019
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Woke is Over - Get with the new program!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Woke is Over - Get with the new program!
We are now an open oligarchy. The program has chanced to an open civil oligarchy heading towards a sultanistic oligarchy, with Trump a kleptocracy.

Do you think Trump or Musk cares about you? Look at yourself and what you are talking about, what happened to the price of eggs and food and gas, and so on... He has done nothing to reduce those prices. He raged about DEI and dwarves crashing helicopter into a plan.