
  1. Jim Klag

    October 14, 1863 - Battle Of Bristoe Station

    October 14, 1863 - The Engagement at Bristoe Station, VA, where Maj. Gen. A.P. Hill, CSA, attacks the retreating rearguard forces of Maj. Gen. George Meade, USA, but is repulsed.
  2. Jim Klag

    October 9-12, 1862 JEB Stuart's Chambersburg Raid

    October 10, 1862 - The capture of Chambersburg, PA, by Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, CSA. John Brown House Chambersburg Franklin County Courthouse...
  3. Jim Klag

    October 9, 1861 - Battle Of Santa Rosa Island

    October 9, 1861 - Action on Santa Rosa Island, Pensacola Bay FL, with the Confederate assault on the Federal batteries, led by Brig. Gen. Richard Heron Anderson, CSA, but is repulsed by the Federal troops stationed on the island at Fort Pickens...
  4. Jim Klag

    October 9, 1864 - The Battle Of Tom's Brook

    October 9, 1864 - Battle of Tom's Brook - Phil Sheridan ordered his cavalry to attack a detachment of Confederate cavalry that had been harassing his column. After a battle that covered almost 10 miles the Union cavalry stopped, having captured 300 Confederates...
  5. Jim Klag

    Battle Of Allatoona Pass - October 5, 1864

    October 5, 1864 - Battle of Allatoona Pass - Bartow County, GA. Confederates under Samuel French attack entrenched Federals under John Corse protecting the Western and Atlantic Railroad...
  6. Jim Klag

    Battle of Hatchie Bridge - October 5, 1862

    October 5, 1862 - Battle of Hatchie Bridge [US] - Battle of Metamora [CS] Tennessee and Mississippi. Edward Ord [US] discovers Confederates retreating from Corinth. When Ord was severely wounded fighting paused as command passed to Stephen Hurlbut [US]. Sterling Price [CS] was able to escape...
  7. Jim Klag

    Battle Of The Crater - Petersburg, July 30, 1864

    General Ulysses Grant lamented, “it was the saddest affair I’ve witnessed in this war.” Planned as a lightning assault following the explosion of the mine, the Union attack on the Crater degenerated into a disjointed fiasco with no breakthrough and with many needless casualties. The explosion...