Black Leaders of the Mexican Revolution...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Here an article about how Black and Creole soldier made up most of the revolutionary army in Mexico and how two Black Men became leaders in the Revolution...


The first to respond to Hidalgo’s plea were the enslaved indigenous blacks (Afro-Mexicanos) and many liberal creoles (Spaniards born in Mexico). During the Mexican War of Independence (1810-1821), it is estimated that 30 percent to 40 percent of the rebel army was comprised of mixed-race Mexicans or blacks.
As Hidalgo and his rag-tag army of 80,000 Indians, blacks, and Spanish Army deserters marched toward Mexico City, they were successful in every encounter mainly because of their huge numbers.


As the rebel army retreated from Mexico City an explosion killed thousands. As Hidalgo tried to flee with the remnants of his army, he would be captured and executed on July 30, 1811, leaving the revolution in the hands of the black priest José María Morelos y Pavón.


Joining the revolution, Guerrero quickly earned promotions for his leadership and bravery.
Now it was two Mexicans with African heritage — two blacks — who were leading the Mexican Revolution against Spain. In 1815, Morelos would be captured and executed. Guerrero, however, would continue to excel and would win victory after victory and in 1818, he was named General-in-chief of the Army of the South.
The revolution would rage on for another six years now in the hands of the black general,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Here is wiki...


Afro-Mexicans played an important role in the Mexican War of Independence, most prominently with insurgent leader Vicente Guerrero, who became commander in chief of the insurgency. The initial movement for independence was led by the American-born Spaniard priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in central Mexico. White Mexicans quickly abandoned the movement for independence which had become more of a social revolution, with Indians, Blacks, mixed-race castas, and other plebeians seeking social equality. The movement for independence remained active on the Gulf Coast and the Pacific Coast, where there were large concentrations of Afro-Mexicans. The royal army and the insurgent forces had reached a stalemate militarily, but the equation changed in 1820. American-born Spaniard and royalist officer Agustin de Iturbide sought an alliance with the insurgents led by Guerrero. Iturbide and the white creoles sought independence, but expected that racial hierarchies would continue in the post-independence period. Guerrero and other Afro-Mexicans demanded that they would be equal citizens and not until Iturbide acceded to that demand did the Afro-Mexican forces sign on to the Plan of Iguala which laid out the terms for the insurgency movement.[1]


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
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Here is Black Mexican History...

The first Black people in Mexico arrived as enslaved workers in the 16th century. There were approximately 200,000 enslaved workers arriving from West, Central and South Africa forming around 10 percent of the population at the time. Though the majority of Africans were enslaved, these people were a very diverse group with differing cultures; and in as much as they cooperated, they also had competing interests. Some African slaves were able to gain their freedom if their master died or obtained a loan to buy their freedom. They worked in a variety of industries such as textile mills, mines, farmlands, and sugar plantations. Some worked in creative industries as architects, painters and singers.


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